High-fiber and low-calorie cauliflower rice is added with fresh ingredients such as pineapple, tomato, and celery. It is low-calorie and satiety, also rich in dietary fiber. It is not afraid of gaining weight after eating too much. It is a dish that promotes good health and longevity, very suitable for enjoy it with the whole family. Let us follow the chef of GuanYinShan and make an easy vegetarian dish together! The following ingredients is the amount for 3 people.
Table of Contents
食材及佐料 Ingredients and seasoning
1) 冷凍花椰菜米 600克
600g Riced cauliflower
2) 新鮮鳳梨 200克
200g Pineapple
3) 素火腿、玉米粒、西洋芹、青椒 各100克
Vegetarian ham, Corn kernels, Celery, Green pepper, each 100g
4) 小番茄 15顆
15 Tomatoes
5) 鮮香菇 3大朵
3 Shiitake mushroom
6) 沙拉油、香菜、糖、鹽、黑胡椒粒、孜然粉 適量
Adequate amount of oil, Coriander, Sugar, Salt, Black pepper, Cumin powder
烹飪步驟 Cooking steps
【刀工 Cutting / 前處理 Beforehand preparation】
- 鳳梨去皮、鮮香菇切0.8公分丁。
Peel the pineapple and cut the fresh mushrooms into 0.8 cm cubes. - 素火腿、西洋芹、青椒切0.5公分丁。
Cut vegetarian ham, celery and green pepper into 0.5 cm cubes. - 小番茄切對半,香菜切末。
Cut cherry tomatoes in halves and mince the coriander.
【調理作法 Cooking】
- 炒鍋加熱倒入油,依序加入鮮香菇、素火腿、西洋芹炒香,再放入花椰菜米、鳳梨、玉米粒、青椒翻炒均勻,加入適當的調味料:糖、鹽、黑胡椒粒、孜然粉少許,再次翻炒均勻。
Heat the wok and add oil, fresh mushrooms, vegetarian ham, and celery in sequence to fry until fragrant. Then add cauliflower rice, pineapple, corn kernels, green peppers and stir fry probably. Last, seasoning with sugar, salt, black pepper and cumin powder, stir fry evenly. - 撒上小番茄、香菜末、黑胡椒粒,點綴以及提味,即可享用!
Top with some cherry tomatoes and sprinkle minced coriander, black pepper. Garnish, taste, and enjoy!
When participating in live Tsog offerings ceremonies at home, you can buy some vegetables as offerings. After the ceremony concludes, you can use these vegetables with the provided recipes to prepare delicious meals for yourself and your family. This way, you can accumulate various merits and your family can also have Buddha’s blessings. You can also share and explore innovative vegetarian dishes with relatives and friends.