Table of Contents
料理介紹 Dish introduction >>
每年的立冬都會落在11月6~8日之間,曆書記載:「冬者終也,立冬之時,萬物終成,故名『立冬』」。進入立冬,表示冬天要來了!在這歲末之時,觀音山主廚準備這道「麻油竹笙猴菇鍋」, 讓大家可以暖迎冬天的來臨。
食材及佐料 Ingredients and seasoning
1) 麻油猴頭菇料理包 1包
1 pack of Sesame Oil Hericium Mushroom Cooking Pack
2) 竹笙 10條
10 pieces of Bamboo Mushrooms
3) 柳松菇 100克
100g of Brown swordbelt
4) 草菇 150克
150g of Straw mushroom
5) 鹽 適量
Adequate amount of Salt
For 3 people serving.
烹飪步驟 Cooking steps
- 竹笙先泡開,洗淨後再用熱水燙過。
- 放入料理包加入竹笙、柳松菇、草菇及適量的水煮滾。
- 最後,依個人喜好加入適量鹽巴調味,完成!
【特別說明 Special Note】
You can also add your favorite vegetables, such as roots, leafy vegetables or other mushrooms.
When participating in live Tsog offerings ceremonies at home, you can buy some vegetables as offerings. After the ceremony concludes, you can use these vegetables with the provided recipes to prepare delicious meals for yourself and your family. This way, you can accumulate various merits and your family can also have Buddha’s blessings. You can also share and explore innovative vegetarian dishes with relatives and friends.