Table of Contents
食材及佐料 Ingredients and seasoning
1) 素魚 6塊
2) 檸檬汁 10cc
3) 奶油 100g
4) 海鹽 適量
5) 黑胡椒粒 適量
烹飪步驟 Cooking steps
- 素魚香煎微金黃色,起鍋待擺盤,備用。
- 小火熱鍋,放入奶油熔化後關火,放入新鮮檸檬汁及海鹽,攪拌均勻,製成醬汁。
- 淋上煎好的素魚,擺盤,就完成了!
【特別說明 Special Note】
When participating in live Tsog offerings ceremonies at home, you can buy some vegetables as offerings. After the ceremony concludes, you can use these vegetables with the provided recipes to prepare delicious meals for yourself and your family. This way, you can accumulate various merits and your family can also have Buddha’s blessings. You can also share and explore innovative vegetarian dishes with relatives and friends.