Table of Contents
料理介紹 Dish introduction >>
食材及佐料 Ingredients and seasoning
1) 鮮香菇 5朵
2) 泡菜 300克
3) 起司絲、巴西里(洋香菜) 適量
For 5 people serving.
烹飪步驟 Cooking steps
【刀工/前處理 Beforehand preparation】
- 擦手紙先擦拭鮮香菇,切掉蒂頭。
【調理作法 Cooking】
- 將鮮香菇內側凹洞放上泡菜,再灑上起司絲。
- 烤箱預熱200度,將食材放入烤箱,烤大約3分鐘。
- 取出香菇後,灑上巴西里,即可享用。
【特別說明 Special Notes】
- 鮮香菇可挑大朵、肉質厚實。
- 烤箱時間到,香菇需立即取出,否則會失去水分太多。
- 全素者可使用純素起司絲替代。
When participating in live Tsog offerings ceremonies at home, you can buy some vegetables as offerings. After the ceremony concludes, you can use these vegetables with the provided recipes to prepare delicious meals for yourself and your family. This way, you can accumulate various merits and your family can also have Buddha’s blessings. You can also share and explore innovative vegetarian dishes with relatives and friends.