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Five Spice Eggplant
料理介紹 Dish introduction >>
五味手撕茄子是一道很適合做為副菜或是小菜的料理。紫色油亮的茄子,淋上酸甜開胃醬汁,一道下飯的料理即刻出爐,讓全家大小都愛上。茄子營養密度高、花青素抗發炎、護心、護眼一次攝取~ 趕緊動手跟著一起簡單的做吧!
Five spice eggplant is very suitable to be a side dish. Oily eggplants dressed with sweet and sour appetizing sauces is perfect to be served over rice. This would be a dish that the whole family love. Eggplants are a high nutrient-density food especially containing anthocyanin which is effective at anti-inflammatory, heart and eye protection. Let’s follow the steps and easily make this recipe!
食材及佐料 Ingredients and seasoning
1) 茄子 4條
4 Eggplants
2) 薑末、香菜末 各5克
5g Minced ginger and Coriander
3) 白芝麻 適量
Adequate amount of White sesame seeds
4) 番茄醬 3匙
3 Tbs of Tomato sauce
5) 糖 1.5匙
1.5 Tbs of Sugar
6) 香椿醬 0.5匙
0.5 Tbs of Toon sauce
6) 素蠔油、香油、烏醋 各1匙
1 Tbs of each Vegetarian Oyster Sauce, Sesame oil, Black Vinegar
For 5 people serving.
烹飪步驟 Cooking steps
【刀工 Cutting / 前處理 Beforehand preparation】
- 茄子切3公分段,炸熟放涼備用。
Cut eggplants into 3 sections, deep-fry and let cool for later use.
【調理作法 Cooking】
- 五味醬:薑末、香菜、番茄醬、素蠔油、香椿醬、香油、烏醋及糖,混合拌勻備用。
Five Spice sauce: mince ginger, coriander, and mix well with tomato sauce, vegetarian oyster sauce, toon sauce, sesame oil, black vinegar and sugar. Set aside. - 茄子撕成條狀,擺盤,淋上五味醬,最後灑上白芝麻,完成!
Tear eggplants into strips, place on a plate, drizzle with five-spice sauce, and sprinkle with white sesame seeds for the final touch.
觀音山 素食料理簡單做