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Cochayuyo Salad with Sesame Sauce
料理介紹 Dish introduction >>
觀音山蔬食團主廚特別提供『麻醬涼拌海茸』,芝麻的濃郁香氣、素沙茶的鹹香帶勁,讓滑嫩 Q彈的海茸,每一口都有豐富好滋味!趕快一起動手試做看看這道清爽又低卡的開胃小菜!
食材及佐料 Ingredients and seasoning
1) 海茸300克
2) 黃彩椒、紅彩椒各1顆
3) 碎花生少許
4) 小黃瓜1條
5) 麻醬2匙(20ml)
6) 薑末少許
7) 糖1.5匙(15ml)
8) 香油適量
9) 鹽少許
10) 素沙茶1大匙(20ml)
11) 水少許
For 2-3 people serving.
烹飪步驟 Cooking steps
- 黃、紅彩椒洗淨切絲;小黃瓜洗淨切絲,備用。
- 海茸洗淨、放入滾水鍋中,加入鹽汆燙去腥味,取出放涼,備用。
- 將麻醬、水、醬油膏、薑末、糖、香油、素沙茶混和攪拌均勻,製成醬汁。
- 將海茸、黃紅彩椒、小黃瓜絲、醬汁混和攪拌均勻。
- 最後擺盤撒上碎花生。
When participating in live Tsog offerings ceremonies at home, you can buy some vegetables as offerings. After the ceremony concludes, you can use these vegetables with the provided recipes to prepare delicious meals for yourself and your family. This way, you can accumulate various merits and your family can also have Buddha’s blessings. You can also share and explore innovative vegetarian dishes with relatives and friends.