Table of Contents
料理介紹 Dish introduction >>
近來天氣早晚轉涼,已進入秋季。 秋季的養生飲食,適合選用健脾養胃的食材。蓮子有助於防癌抗癌,能促進氣血循環、降血壓 ; 菱角含豐富澱粉、蛋白質及多種礦物質,亦能抗癌,是秋天的健康美食。搭配以上兩種食材,烹調出這道養身補氣的秋天料理,不能不學會!
食材及佐料 Ingredients and seasoning
1) 素羊肉 1200克
2) 菱角仁 1200克
3) 新鮮蓮子 1200克
4) 當歸片 適量
For 10 people serving.
烹飪步驟 Cooking steps
- 將菱角仁、蓮子、素羊肉,用清水洗過。
- 燒一鍋水,放入菱角仁、蓮子滾沸10分鐘。
- 菱角仁、蓮子大約7、8分熟後,放入素羊肉、當歸片。
- 再煮5-10分鐘,試吃菱角、蓮子若有熟及入味即可關火,完成!
【特別說明 Special Note】
- 素羊肉有分全素或蛋素。
- 菱角仁、蓮子建議不要買冷凍品,冷凍煮過吃起來不扎實。
- 當歸片可於中藥行購入,數量可依個人喜好調整。
- 鹽、糖可按個人口味添加。
When participating in live Tsog offerings ceremonies at home, you can buy some vegetables as offerings. After the ceremony concludes, you can use these vegetables with the provided recipes to prepare delicious meals for yourself and your family. This way, you can accumulate various merits and your family can also have Buddha’s blessings. You can also share and explore innovative vegetarian dishes with relatives and friends.